PSDFan Extra

Tutorial Suggestions Needed

Help Shape Our Content!

As many of you have seen, we recently relaunched PSDFAN. We’re a lot happier with the new setup, and have a LOT of great new content to share with you. However, we’re always keen to know exactly what types of content would be most useful to you.

If you’re curious how to achieve a certain type of design, or a particular area of design interests you then please leave a comment to this page. We’ll do our level best to create a tutorial to help you, and I’m sure our community will find it beneficial too!

What’s In Store for PSDFAN?

To be honest since the relaunch we’ve been fairly busy ironing out bugs, checking over things and gearing up the website for it’s future endeavors. We’ve certainly got some big plans for PSDFAN though! We’ve brought on board regular tutorial writer Eric Vasquez, who is incredibly talented. Whilst this week is somewhat ‘up in the air’ with bug fixes and other admin tasks, we’ll be publishing a huge number of tutorials as of next week. Which leads me to my next point…

We’re on the look out for talented tutorial authors!

If you’re interested in writing for PSDFAN then please get in touch. We pay great rates, and you’ll be joining one of the best design communities out there!

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. rajasegar says:

    Hi Tom, you already having a wide category of tutorial posts ranging from basic/tools to designing websites, still if you insist i would suggest topics like logo designing, business cards and creating mockup display templates in photoshop and stuff like that, thanks for sharing… Keep up the good work guys… Cheers :)

  2. Great-Antique says:

    Hi, Tom. I fully support rajasegar. It would be nice that you made a couple tutorials on creating a logo or business card.
    But I like the rubric of web design and redesign :)

  3. Tom says:

    Thanks guys! That’s really helpful, and I think business card tuts are definitely something that we need to introduce to the site. Keep an eye out for one in the near future :) .

  4. Eric Vasquez says:

    Great suggestions guys – and thanks for the shout out Tom!

    I would love to put together some tutorials covering some of the topics that were suggested. I would be up for doing a case study or an in-depth tutorial about logo design.

    I could also show people how to create a Web Design layout in Photoshop although coding isn’t my forte. Nevertheless, I look forward to giving you guys some more great content in the future.

  5. Eric Vasquez says:

    Great reference logo there – I really like that. The only thing that I can say about a logo tutorial is that it probably should be done in Illustrator. I was taught never to use Photoshop for logos, unless you are creating it at a very large scale. Vector seems to be the preference just because it can be resized so easily without any loss in quality.

  6. Alex Marti says:

    I would like to see a tut on making a photo look like a cartoon or a drawing. How to use Photo shop as a painting and drawing tool. A little bit more on that kind of stuff would really get my attention..Thanks

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