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For years PSD.FanExtra has provided top of the range Photoshop tutorials thanks to our team of hugely talented authors.
These authors contribute regular, professional grade tutorials covering all areas; from web design, to photo manipulation and illustration.
As our blog continues to grow we’ve been focusing more on offering quality tutorials, and less on the roundup posts that have become so common in the design community. We believe that unique, helpful tutorials will always be the most valuable type of content and help us to give back more to the community.
We’re looking for more talented graphic designers to join our growing team and help us provide tutorials more regularly than ever.
If you’re considering joining our team then you should have the following qualities:
If you join our team we have scope for accepting regular tutorials from you, and we offer very competitive rates.
To apply contact us via this page and we’ll get back to you soon!
Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.
Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.
I create some works and I’m willing to create tutorials as well (I still need to improve more, IMO)
I join contests of pxleyes.com, I know I have the edge in joining there, but they needed a tutorial (step-by-step with pictures), that’s why my entries are not published.
One thing I’m worried is I might not be able to get the same result due to some parts which are tricky, (ex. getting that result with warping). Another thing is that, I’m busy as a Student Assistant here in our school and I don’t have enough time to create arts (much more with creating tutorials)..
And I think, I’m not as talented as any authors here. Hope you’ll find talented tutorial authors..