PSDFan Extra

Win $100 Worth of Custom Die Cut Stickers From Sticker Mule

Win $100 Worth of Custom Die Cut Stickers From Sticker Mule

Today we’ve got a seriously juicy contest for all you design addicts out there.

Before I get to the details though, I wanted to give a warm public welcome to our new network sponsor Sticker Mule.

Now, before you turn off and think ‘this is just another sponsorship plug’ you may be interested to know how Sticker Mule will mean better design content for you.

You see, by Sticker Mule backing our network it means that we can invest even more into commissioning the best design tutorials and content for you guys to enjoy. Their sponsorship means that we can continue to grow and cater for your needs, and that’s pretty damn awesome!

On top of that, we wouldn’t just work with any old network sponsor. We’re committed to providing the best quality design content, and this is reflected in any partners we may work with.

We couldn’t have asked for a better network sponsor than StickerMule. I’ve known Nick at Sticker Mule for years and he’s a great reflection of the company as a whole – professional, passionate about design and a really positive attitude.

As our new sponsor Sticker Mule will be offering you awesome free goodies.

Which brings me to today’s giveaway…

The Prizes

There are prizes for 1 winner in today’s giveaway, the winner gets:

  • $100 in free custom die cut stickers (Sticker Mule store credit)

Prize Details:

Sticker Mule’s die cut stickers are super popular. Their open review forum on their website shows that 92% of their customers rated these stickers as ‘great’.

Check out some of the awesome features of these stickers:

How to Enter

Sticker Mule now have so many happy customers that they have a comprehensive gallery showing their favorite customer designs.

They would love to get your feedback on the gallery, so to enter this giveaway simply visit their sticker gallery and comment below mentioning your favorite design from the gallery.


Interested in Sponsoring a PSD.FanExtra Contest?

We offer a limited number of contests available to sponsor each month, and only feature services/companies that we feel are highly relevant and quality for our audience. Each review includes a review of the prize offered, and must be something we know our readers will love.

  • If you would like to submit your site, product or service for consideration for a contest, please contact us today.

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Isaac Sturkey says:

    My favourite sticker was the Intrepid sticker. Lately I have been a really big fan of minimalistic logo’s and I really like the black and yellow.

  2. Cean Lim says:

    My fav design is no doubt the Know Apparel Stickers :)

  3. To think of the features of this, it is truly awesome having great designs from their customers/gallery and durable yet high quality sticker prints! Highly recommended for high quality sticker printing.

    Seriously, there are LOTS of great designs in their (StickerMule) gallery. I liked most of it but I have to pick one, and this is:

    The design is simple yet good for all, for child, for teens and even for all genres, can be used for parents too and some for their sticking enjoyment!

    Thanks for the giveaway Mr. Tom of PSDFan and Nick of StickerMule and more powers to your companies!

  4. shannon says:

    The You are beautiful stickers were my favorite

  5. Mare Downs says:

    Oh most definitely the Ripe Eatery Stickers!!!! The picture intrigued me so much as to find them on the web and now somehow get to El Paso Texas from NJ to check out this brother/sister restaurant and experience their culinary talents! I didn’t know a sticker could do that to ya…..???? That’s awesome!!!

  6. Georgina says:

    I went through all 22 pages in the gallery! I just couldn’t make up my mind. Some of the more interesting ones weren’t square or round, but there were a lot of fun designs in all, so I picked two:

    For my business – Our Street Car stickers

    For fun: Hamburger stickers

  7. Valerie Long says:

    This would be so cool to give out to my customers! Good luck to everyone entering!!!! =D

    I liked 2 of them:

  8. Jonathan says:

    I really liked the MailChimp stickers. The ninja ( was my favorite, but the other MailChimp stickers look great as well.

  9. Tom says:

    Thanks for putting so much thought into your entries guys!

    I’m sure StickerMule will be a great sponsor to help give you freebies, contests and other great design content.

    Keep em coming, and look out for the winner next week.

  10. Bjørn Edvard Torbo says:

    My favourite was the Chef Stickers because of the cool vector style whipper, the shape of the stickers and the nice color scheme. The slogan (“Whipping up awesome”) was cool too. And the typography.

  11. Ania says:

    Stickers can be so much fun!
    The Ripe Eatery Stickers blew my mind – so bold, so creative. They made a lasting impression on me :)

  12. BSocial says:

    I love the harmonic blue stickers! Great color variation and detail.

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