PSDFan Extra


Thursday Theory: The Importance of Perspective and Depth in Your Designs

Thursday Theory: The Importance of Perspective and Depth in Your Designs

By Tom Ross, 3rd March, 2011, 3 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Perspective and depth are key parts of graphic design, yet are often overlooked within community discussions. Today we look at just what is so great about implementing them into your work, and how you can achieve great perspective/depth in your own designs.


Thursday Theory: Using Movies as Design Inspiration

Thursday Theory: Using Movies as Design Inspiration

By Tom Ross, 24th February, 2011, 1 Comment

(Articles - Theory)

Movies can provide great inspiration for digital design. As a movie fan I often draw inspiration from the mis-en-scene, lighting and more of my favorite scenes and translate this to my graphic design work. Learn how you can do the same!


Thursday Theory: Rules For a Perfect Website Navigation

Thursday Theory: Rules For a Perfect Website Navigation

By Tom Ross, 17th February, 2011, 0 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Today we look at some of the basics that people often overlook when designing their website’s navigation. Use these tips to help improve your site’s navigation today!


Thursday Theory: Common Web Design Mistakes People Keep Making

Thursday Theory: Common Web Design Mistakes People Keep Making

By Tom Ross, 10th February, 2011, 10 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Today we begin a new weekly post series called Thursday Theory! This article looks at some of the most common web design mistakes that I’ve encountered during our 30 minute redesign series. I’ll discuss each issue in relation to case-studies, and explain how to avoid these classic design errors.


Tabbed Navigation – How To Do It Right

Tabbed Navigation – How To Do It Right

By Tom Ross, 13th October, 2010, 6 Comments

(Articles - Theory)

Today we look at tabbed navigation within modern web design. We discuss the key features of great tabbed navigation, and analyze various inspiring examples.


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.