PSDFan Extra

Members Content:

Members Area Tutorial: Photo Manipulate a Beautiful, Bejeweled Ancient Princess

Members Area Tutorial: Photo Manipulate a Beautiful, Bejeweled Ancient Princess

By Santhosh Rao, 10th April, 2013, 4 Comments

(Members Content - Photo Effects)

Learn how to photo manipulate an ancient, bejeweled princess using a variety of advanced techniques such as fashion retouching, texturing, custom 3D text creation and intricate lighting. Sign up today to access the full tutorial and download it’s source file.


Members Area Tutorial: Design a Summer Time Vacation Poster

Members Area Tutorial: Design a Summer Time Vacation Poster

By Jenny Le, 3rd April, 2013, 3 Comments

(Members Content - Photo Effects)

Learn how to create a summer time poster design using advanced photo manipulation techniques. You’ll learn about blending various elements together, creating unique underwater techniques, working with lighting and much more! Sign up today to access the full tutorial and download it’s source file.


Members Area Tutorial: Photo Manipulate a Floating, Burning Stone Monument

Members Area Tutorial: Photo Manipulate a Floating, Burning Stone Monument

By Vik Aadi, 27th March, 2013, 2 Comments

(Members Content - Photo Effects)

In today’s lesson you’ll learn how to create a fiery stone monument floating in the sky. You will master some practical photo manipulation lessons, such as turning a regular portrait into a stone monument, creating dramatic fiery lighting effects and much more! Sign up today to access the full tutorial and download it’s source file.


Members Area Tutorial: Create a Fiery, Dynamic Basketball Photo Manipulation

Members Area Tutorial: Create a Fiery, Dynamic Basketball Photo Manipulation

By Eric Vasquez, 20th March, 2013, 0 Comments

(Members Content - Photo Effects)

Learn how to create a dynamic basketball photo manipulation, featuring a distorting, striking athlete as the focal point. You’ll work with creating advanced lighting effects, custom brushes and more! Sign up today to access the full tutorial and download it’s source file.


Members Area Tutorial: Create a Beautiful Mixed Media Portrait in Photoshop

Members Area Tutorial: Create a Beautiful Mixed Media Portrait in Photoshop

By Jenny Le, 13th March, 2013, 0 Comments

(Designing - Members Content)

Learn how to create a beautiful mixed media portrait in this advanced tutorial. You’ll work with creative filter application, blending multiple elements and layering up a complex composition. Sign up today to access the full tutorial and download it’s source file.


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.