PSDFan Extra


Replicate Justin Timberlake’s Lovestoned Music Video

Replicate Justin Timberlake’s Lovestoned Music Video

By Tom Ross, 7th August, 2008, 61 Comments

(Designing - Tutorials)

This tutorial will teach you how to create some stunning lighting effects, inspired by Justin Timberlake’s LoveStoned music video. You will learn how to use various layer blending modes and brushes to achieve a professional finish. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our VIP Members Area.


Create an Awesome Illustration Using Custom Brushes

Create an Awesome Illustration Using Custom Brushes

By Tom Ross, 24th August, 2011, 39 Comments

(Designing - Tutorials)

This tutorial will teach you how to create your own brush sets and then combine them for stunning results. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our FanExtra Members Area


Display Your Photos Within a Professional Advert

Display Your Photos Within a Professional Advert

By Tom Ross, 29th July, 2008, 29 Comments

(Designing - Tutorials)

This tutorial will teach you how to create your own polaroids and use them to display your photos in a creative, professional manner. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our VIP Members Area.


Design a Cool Football Wallpaper

Design a Cool Football Wallpaper

By Tom Ross, 26th July, 2008, 27 Comments

(Designing - Tutorials)

This tutorial will show you how to design an interesting football wallpaper. It will go over techniques such as transforming images and applying some great lighting effects. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our VIP Members Area.


Design a Grungy Floating Island

Design a Grungy Floating Island

By Tom Ross, 23rd July, 2008, 68 Comments

(Designing - Tutorials)

This tutorial will walk you through how to create a grungy floating island, complete with a watercolor textured background. The tutorial focuses heavily on how layer blending modes can be combined to great effect. Download the source file for this and all our other tutorials in our VIP Members Area.


Your Design Work, But More Awesome:

Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.