PSDFan Extra

Members Area Tutorial: Create a Spooky Paranormal Photo Manipulation

Members Area Tutorial: Create a Spooky Paranormal Photo Manipulation

Members Only Tutorial

This tutorial is available exclusively to our FanExtra members. In order to read the tutorial and download it’s original .psd source file you must sign up as a FanExtra member.

If you sign up today you get access to thousands of design files, including tutorial source files, vectors, icon packs, texture packs and more! You also get access to our advanced weekly members only Photoshop tutorials. These are even more detailed and advanced than our regular tutorials, and the perfect way to take your learning to the next level.

Final Image

The result of this tutorial is shown below:

What You Will Learn

This tutorial is very in depth, and covers the design techniques listed below:

  • Learn advanced blending techniques to seamlessly combine various photographic elements into a cohesive composition.
  • Learn how to use inspiration from other sources to achieve a realistic outcome, specifically in this case a ‘hand pressed on glass’ effect.
  • Learn how to extract even very complex images from busy backgrounds, using professional level extraction techniques.
  • Learn how to create a spooky, paranormal text effect, including depth of field techniques for detailing.
  • & Much More!

Learn advanced blending techniques to seamlessly combine various photographic elements into a cohesive composition.

Learn how to use inspiration from other sources to achieve a realistic outcome, specifically in this case a ‘hand pressed on glass’ effect.

Learn how to extract even very complex images from busy backgrounds, using professional level extraction techniques.

Members Only Tutorial

This tutorial is available exclusively to our FanExtra members. In order to read the tutorial and download it’s original .psd source file you must sign up as a FanExtra member.

If you sign up today you get access to thousands of design files, including tutorial source files, vectors, icon packs, texture packs and more! You also get access to our advanced weekly members only Photoshop tutorials. These are even more detailed and advanced than our regular tutorials, and the perfect way to take your learning to the next level.

About the Author:

I'm a freelance graphics designer and the Founder of Zillionarts and ZillionArts Workshop. Here we ought to provide the best training on Digital Painting and Visual Effects host by the experienced pros from the Hollywood and Gaming Industry. I work constantly to explore more possibilities and techniques to bring my imaginary worlds to live. You can follow me on Deviantart.

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  1. Wow. Its an awesome article to create spooky paranormal photo manipulation. i really enjoyed this article. Could you share more article on these type of creation.

  2. Most photo’s of ghosts and spirits are fake and this just proves how easy they are to create. I do have to admit that some look realy creapy :)

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