PSDFan Extra

Tutorial Removed

Tutorial Removed

We’re sorry to report that this tutorial and the accompanying source file have been removed.

It was brought to our attention that the tutorial was very similar to a pre existing tutorial on another website.

We take this type of matter very seriously, and always fight to protect artist’s, website owner’s and individual’s rights. Thank you to our wonderful community for bringing this to our attention, and apologies for the inconvenience for all our readers.

About the Author:

Tom is the founder of PSDFAN. He loves writing tutorials, learning more about design and interacting with the community. On a more interesting note he can also play guitar hero drunk with his teeth.

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  1. Gleb says:

    Hi! Step 11 – screenshot missed.

  2. Vijay says:

    This is really a amazing tutorial i never thought that we can do something like this with the help of desert images :O Kudos to you and psdfan i must say you are one of the best tut site keep the good work up :D

  3. Hi Vik
    Thanks !! great tips !!
    The idea of converting the deserted island into the snowy land in Photoshop is really unique and praiseworthy.

    Thanks again

  4. Eric Vasquez says:

    Some really nice photo-compositing tips here! I like the concept and think it came together nicely but I would have maybe added some more trees, like you are overlooking a forest or a valley and can see the castle in the distance. I think the gnome and the duck and the bear are somewhat random, maybe putting some real animals there instead like a deer or a polar bear?

    Also, I would be curious to see how it would look to continue the footsteps towards the viewer so they have a clear point of origin. It kind of looks like they just dropped down and started walking as opposed to having some footsteps in the foreground which could help to lead the viewers eye by giving them more of a trail to follow. Nice tut overall, that’s just my two cents!

    • Tom says:

      Thanks for the feedback Eric, your comments are always really insightful. I agree about all the points you mentioned, although I do still love the outcome here.

      • Eric Vasquez says:

        Thanks Tom! Yes I do still think that the final outcome is nice, and I really like the creativity and imaginative use of a desert scene to create a winter scene. Bonus points!

    • vik aadi says:

      Thanxx a lot for your cmmnt Eric Vasquez it means a lot to me m still a immature writer but yeahh soon will come up with some great tuts :)

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