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Valuable feedback is one of the most useful things for an aspiring graphic designer. The best way to improve is to receive feedback from your peers and use it to hone your personal techniques. Often others will point out where you are going wrong, and will spot issues that you would never otherwise become aware of.
Creative networks are a great way to receive feedback for your work. Rather than forums the users are generally more experienced, talented and likely to offer feedback. Today we bring you 5 of the best creative networks from which to seek feedback on your designs:
Behance is a very established creative network and is both reputable and popular. The network is home to a huge variety of talent, many of whom have been in the industry for years. The Behance Network is the world’s leading platform for creative professionals, covering industries such as ad design, graphic design, web and logo design and motion design. It is so popular because lots of users interact between themselves and with some companies which are head-hunting for some creative professionals. Through instant work promotion, ready access to a global pool of top talents, and a constant stream of the best creative pieces of work from all around the world — the Behance Network is revolutionizing the way creative professionals manage their careers and companies find talent. Members of behance network are not only showcasing their best works, but are sharing some damn good freebies with all the “internet population” looking for some hot & high-quality freebie files. Behance Network is free to join and will only take a few minutes to complete the registration and start showing off your talent.
DeviantArt is another very popular design network to show off your skills. It’s not exclusively for those who create content and many of their members simply enjoy browsing and providing feedback. The network is home to artists of all ages and skill levels, and whilst the overall average user is probably less experienced than Behance, the huge community has plenty to offer. As a community destination, dA is a platform that allows emerging and established artists to promote, and share their works within a peer community dedicated to the arts. Deviant Art has lots of groups and chatting rooms, all of these created specifically for a better. The network has a crazy activity, with thousands of creative pieces added daily and more than 10 million registered users, you will surely find something which you like, or similar talents which would be happy to have a talk with you. Either you are an artist, or art enthusiast, you will find your place at dA!
Dribbble is a invite-only website for talented creatives. Designers, Developers and all kind of possible talents are sharing shots of their current or finished work. Dribbble was a revolutionary network which appeared a few years ago, and immediately gained a lot of popularity. It became popular because they introduced the idea of sharing small “shots” of someone’s work. It also gained a lot of popularity because many people couldn’t access it. It was and is currently restricted to a few members only. Because of this, a huge number of people started to create awesome websites, by involving their best abilities and skills, just for getting an invite to join the dribbble network.
Forrst is a community of passionate developers and designers focused on helping themselves and others get better at their craft, providing thoughtful critiques, helpful advices and sharing their knowledge to help other people design awesome stuff and develop rocking apps. It is a network which is very similar with dribbble, but with much more members. When you are not able to get a dribbble invite, you can easily get a forrst one for free. While Dribbble is some-how a premium network with only top designers, forrst is a “basic” network which is willing “to accept” any new member. Forrst is very helpful for begginer and intermediary creatives as it can be the main source of awesome feedback. Besides feedback, forrst is widely used for showcasing work, working as a portfolio site.
The UCreative network has been designed in the hope to bring more artists and designers together. Whatever area of expertise you’re in, we’ll make sure that you find the right group of people with whom you can share your ideas, ask for help or give advice, or simply share your ideas and showcase your work. UCreative is a new network which is only a few months old, but has a super-fast growth level. It has some top designers registered which can help you with their advices if you have a problem or hassle. As the network is pretty now, and looking at it’s growth level, you should definitely make an account now, so in case there will be any restrictions in future, you won’t have to be limited or restricted.
Stelian is a design enthusiast from Republic of Moldova. Right now he is working on his new design-related blog called Rocket Graphics. Visit RocketGraphsor follow his twitter account @rocketgraphs.
Do you know the basic tools in Photoshop but feel that your work is still looking average? Join our creative community at FanExtra and get the direction you need to take your work to the next level.
Thanks for sharing some of these sites. I have heard of a couple of them but it is good to see what else is out there. Sharing work and opinions is really important and I think that to be able to progress with your work you need to have your peers criticisms about your work constructively so you can see what to change and how to do it to improve as a creative.
I agree that this was a nice roundup of some of the top Design Networking Sites. I just stumbled upon Dribble recently, and before reading this had never heard of Forrst but will definitely be checking them out. Behance has proven to be an invaluable resource for me personally, and along with DeviantArt and UCreative I have been able to reach a wider audience and meet some really great people. Thanks Tom!
Yeah creative networks are definitely the best way to broaden your network and reach a wider audience. I’m glad you enjoyed the article, but I would thank Stelian for writing it
Ah! Well thank you Stelian for putting together this helpful and informative article. Nicely done
I just noticed that you’re a featured designer at UCreative Eric! Congrats