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Create an Epic Storm at Sea Scene in Photoshop

Create an Epic Storm at Sea Scene in Photoshop

In today’s lesson you’ll learn how to photo manipulate an epic storm at sea scene using Photoshop.

We’re going to blend various photos to create a realistic background composite. After this we’re going to create a giant whirlpool and tornado scene, combined with some emergency services and stormy weather.

You’ll master various lighting techniques and learn how to focus on the correct details to create a cohesive scene.

Let’s get started!

Final Image

Step 1

Create a new file with a width of 1280px and a height of 743 px at 72 dpi (Dots per Inch). Background Contents should be White.

Step 2

First off, let’s activate the Rectangular marquee tool and make two Strips and fill them with #000000 color..

Now, let’s open the rainy sea in Photoshop. We will be using the mountains from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the rainy sea and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Background”.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Background” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 3

Now create new Brightness/contrast adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (background layer and Brightness/contrast) to make a mask.

When the Brightness/contrast box opens, input the following:

Now create a new color balance adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (background layer and color balance) to make a clipping mask.

When the color balance box opens, input the following:

Now create new Curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (background layer and Curves) to make a mask.

When the Curves box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 4

First off, let’s Sea, Greece stock in Photoshop. We will be using the Sea from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the Sea, Greece and press M to activate Marquee tool and then make a selection around the Sea and then click V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Sea”.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Sea” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

Now add vector mask from the bottom of layers palette .

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings :

Brush size: 50px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Step 5

Now Create new Color balance adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Sea layer and Color balance) to make a mask:

When the Color balance box opens, input the following:

Now Create new Brightness/contrast adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette.Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Sea layer and Brightness/contrast) to make a mask:

When the Brightness/contrast box opens, input the following:

Now Create new Curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Sea layer and Curves) to make a mask:

When the Curves box opens, input the following:

Now Create new Hue/saturation adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Sea layer and Curves) to make a mask:

When the Hue/saturation box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 6

Now, let’s open the Stock Stormy in Photoshop. We will be using the sky from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the Stock Stormy and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “sky”.

Now add vector mask from the bottom of layers palette .

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings :

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Now Create new Brightness/contrast adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Sky layer and Brightness/contrast) to make a mask:

When the Brightness/contrast box opens, input the following:

Now Create new Color Balance adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Sky layer and Color Balance) to make a mask:

When the Color Balance box opens, input the following:

Now Create new Curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Sky layer and Curves) to make a mask:

When the Curves box opens, input the following:

Now Create new Hue/saturation adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Sky layer and Hue/saturation) to make a mask:

When the Hue/saturation box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 7

Now make a copy of sky layer with adjustment layers and move it to the right .

Now add vector mask from the bottom of layers palette .

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings :

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Step 8

Now, Now lets so some color corrections.

IMPORTANT: We’re going to apply a series of adjustment layers above all other layers. Even though we still have more aspects of our piece to work on, these adjustment layers should remain as the top layers for the rest of the tutorial.

Now create new Brightness contrast adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette .

When the Brightness contrast box opens, input the following:

Now create new Photo Filter adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette .

When the Photo Filter box opens, input the following:

Now create new Photo Filter adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette .

When the Photo Filter box opens, input the following:

Now create new Curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette .

When the Curves box opens, input the following:

Step 9

Now, let’s open the Snowing texture 2 in Photoshop. We will be using the texture from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the Snowing texture 2 and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Texture 1″.

Change it’s layer mode to “screen”

Change it’s layer opacity to “30%”

Step 10

Create a new layer.

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings :

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Step 11

First off, let’s open Coastlind Mount in Photoshop. We will be using the mountain from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the Coastlind Mount and press p to activate pen tool and then make a selection around the mountain and then click V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “mountain1″.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “mountain1” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this: .

Step 12

Now Create new Hue/saturation adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Mountain1 layer and Hue/saturation) to make a mask:

When the Hue/saturation box opens, input the following:

Now Create new Curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Mountain1 layer and Curves) to make a mask:

When the curves box opens, input the following:

Now Create new Curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette .

When the Curves box opens, input the following:

Make a duplicate of the mountain1 layer .

Step 13

First off, let’s open California coastline in Photoshop. We will be using the mountain from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click the California coastline and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Island”.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “island” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

Now add vector mask from the bottom of layers palette .

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings :

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Step 14

Now create new Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (island layer and Brightness/Contrast) to make a mask.

When the Brightness/Contrast box opens, input the following:

Now create a new hue/saturation adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between the island layer and hue/saturation adjustment layer to make a mask.

When the hue/saturations box opens, input the following:

Now create new curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (island layer and curves) to make a mask.

When the curves box opens, input the following:

Now create new gradient map adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (island layer and curves) to make a mask.

When the gradient map box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 15

First off, let’s open trees in Photoshop. We will be using the trees from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Now open color range.When the color range box opens, input the following:

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “tree” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

Step 16

Now create new Hue/saturation adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (trees layer and Hue/saturation) to make a mask.

When the Hue/saturation box opens, input the following:

Now create new Brightness/contrast adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (trees layer and Brightness/contrast) to make a mask.

When the Brightness/contrast box opens, input the following:

Now create new curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (trees layer and curves) to make a mask.

When the curves box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 17

Now, let’s open Whirlpool 2 in Photoshop. We will be using the Whirlpool center from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click Whirlpool 2 and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Whirlpool”.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Whirlpool” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

Now change its layer mode to “Screen”.

Now add vector mask from the bottom of layers palette.

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings:

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Now create new Curves adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Whirlpool layer and Curves) to make a mask.

When the Curves box opens, input the following:

Now create new hue/saturation adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette.Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (Whirlpool layer and hue/saturation) to make a mask.

When the hue/saturation box opens, input the following:

Now select the mask of hue/saturation adjustment layer.

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings:

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Now make a duplicate of Whirlpool layer with its adjustment layers.

Step 18

Now, let’s open cruises in Photoshop. We will be using the cruise from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click cruises and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “ship1″.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Ship1” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

Now add vector mask from the bottom of layers palette.

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings :

Brush size: 500px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

Now create new solid color adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (ship1 layer and solid color) to make a mask.

When the solid color box opens, input the following:

Now create new color balance adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between the ship 1 layer and the color balance adjustment layer to make a mask.

When the color balance box opens, input the following:

Now create new Hue/saturation adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between the ship 1 layer and Hue/saturation adjustment layer to make a mask.

When the Hue/saturation box opens, input the following:

Now create new Curves adjustment layer, complete with clipping mask.

When the Curves box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Now lets add shadow Make a random shape under ship1 layer and name it “shadow ship1″ fill it with #000000 color.

When the Gaussian blur box opens, input the following:

Now add 1 more ship follow same steps and add lightining fill #c8e3ff as foreground color.

Step 19

Now, let’s open Tornado2 PNG in Photoshop. We will be using the Tornado from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click Tornado2 PNG and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Tornado1″.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Tornado1” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

The result should be similar to this:

Now create new color balance adjustment layer from the bottom of layers palette. Press Alt+left click in between 2 layer’s (tornado1 layer and color balance ) to make a mask.

When the color balance box opens, input the following:

Now create new Brightness/contrast adjustment layer, with a clipping mask.

When the Brightness/contrast box opens, input the following:

Now create new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer with clipping mask.

When the Hue/Saturation box opens, input the following:

Create new Curves adjustment layer with the following settings:

The result should be similar to this:

Step 20

Now, again drag the tornado and resize it as shown below:

Now add a vector mask from the bottom of the layers palette .

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings :

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Now create new color balance adjustment layer.

When the color balance box opens, input the following:

Create new brightness/contrast adjustment layer.

When the brightness/contrast box opens, input the following:

Create new brightness/contrast adjustment layer.

When the brightness/contrast box opens, input the following:

Now create new hue/saturation adjustment layer.

When the hue/saturation box opens, input the following:

Now create new curves adjustment layer.

When the curves box opens, input the following:

The result should be similar to this:

Return to the tornado1 layer

Now add vector mask from the bottom of layers palette.

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings:

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Step 21

Now, let’s open Helicopter by brotherguy in Photoshop. We will be using the Helicopter from this stock image so we will need to transfer it to our main canvas.

Click Helicopter by brotherguy and press V to activate the Move Tool. Left-click the image and drag the image to the main canvas and change layer name to “Helicopter1″.

Next, activate the Transform tool (Ctrl/Cmd +T), then while the “Helicopter1” layer is selected and then resize it as shown below:

Now, activate the blur tool.

Activate Brush tool (B) with these settings :

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Step 22

Now create new Hue/saturation adjustment layer, complete with clipping mask.

When the Hue/saturation box opens, input the following:

Create new Brightness/contrat adjustment layer.

When the Brightness/contrast box opens, input the following:

Step 23

Now, let’s activate a new layer and name it “beam1″ fill it with #ffffff color.

When the Gaussian blur box opens, input the following:

Now add vector mask from the bottom of layers palette.

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings:

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

Add one more beam with higher opacity follow the same steps.

Add one more Helicopter and follow all the above steps .

Step 24

Install Lightning Bolt Brushes V1 and activate a new layer.

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings:

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 100%

Flow: 100%

Color: #ffffff

Now paint over the highlighted area.

Now create a layer style layer which can be found by pressing on the Create New layer style layer button shown on the layer window:

Now add vector mask from the bottom of layers palette.

Now activate Brush tool (B) with these settings:

Brush size: 400px

Hardness: 0%

Opacity: 40%

Flow: 100%

Color: #000000

Now paint over the highlighted area.

The result should be similar to this:

And We’re Done!

You can view the final outcome below.

I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and would love to hear your feedback on the techniques and outcome.

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About the Author:

Vikas Singh Adhikari (Vik aadi) is a 20 years old self-taught digital mixed media artist and a photographer from New Delhi India. The themes that are mostly seen on his work revolve around surrealism, pseudo-realism, nostalgic sentiments, and human emotion.You can contact him on his deviant art account: and his facebook page:

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1 Comment:

  1. Nimisha says:

    In the first step do I have to create the rectangles in different layer or in the background layer?


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